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BF-30: Computer Controlled Arbitrary Waveform Generator


  • 30MHz Direct Digitally Synthesized Source
  • 20mHz Frequency Resolution
  • +10ppm Frequency Accuracy
  • 12Bit, 5M Sample/S Arbitrary Waveforms
  • Sine, Triangle, Ramp and Square Waveforms
  • Internally Synthesized FM, AM and Phase Modulation (PSK)
  • Low distortion
  • RS232 interface
  • Arbitrary Modulation
  • Linear and log sweeps
  • Optional IEEE-488 Interface only for SFG-830G
  • Optional Arbitrary Waveform Composer Software for Windows 95,
    Model SFG-S1

BF-30: Computer Controlled Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Frequency Range Sine 20mHz ~ 30MHz
Square 20mHz ~ 30MHz
Triangle 10mHz ~ 100kHz
Ramp 10mHz ~ 100kHz

Frequency Resolution 20mHz (10mHz for TRIANGLE and RAMP function)

Frequency Accuracy +10ppm

Frequency Aging +5ppm/year

Output Impedance Source Impedance 50Ω ± 10%

Amplitude Range 10mV ~ 10Vp-p ( into 50Ω ) 8 amplitude ranges,
| Vac peak | + | Vdc | < 5V
Resolution 3 digits
Accuracy Sine out: ±0.5dB (±5mVrms) ,
Square out: ±12% (±5mVrms) ,
Triangle out: ±5% (±5mVrms) ,
Arbitrary out: ±5% (±5mVrms)

DC offset Range ± 5V ( into 50Ω ), | Vac peak | + | Vdc | < 5V
Resolution 3 digits
Accuracy ± 1.5% of setting + 1mV

Sync Output Sync Output TTL levels
Sync Fan-out > 10 TTL load
Sine Output Harmonics DC ~ 100kHz : -50dBc , 0.1M ~ 1MHz : -40dBc
1M ~ 10MHz : -30dBc , 10M ~ 30MHz : -25dBc

Square Output Rise / Fall Time <15nS
Overshoot < 5% ( at full scale output )
Asymmetry ± 1% of period + 4nS

Triangle and Ramp Linearity ± 0.1% of full scale output

Arbitrary Waveforms Sample Rate 42.949600MHz/N, N=8, 10, 12, ... 215
Waveform Length 12,000 points max.
Vertical Resolution 12 bits

Sweep Sweep Functions LIN or LOG
Sweep Range 20mHz ~ 30MHz
Sweep Time 0.01S ~ 1000S

AM Modulation Function
External, Internal ( sine, triangle, ramp, square )
       Modulation Rate
10mHz ~ 10kHz ( Internal ), 50kHz max ( external )
       Modulation Span
0 ~ 100%
       Ext. Input
± 5V for 100% modulation
Ext. Input Impedance
FM Modulation Function
Sine, Triangle, Ramp, Square
       Modulation Rate
10mHz ~ 10kHz
       Modulation Span
30MHz ( 100kHz for triangle, ramp )
PM Modulation Span
360 Degrees
       Modulation Rate
20mHz ~ 10kHz

Interface RS232 standard
GPIB interface GPB-01 (Option)
Arbitrary waveform composer software for Window 95 SFG-S1 ( option )

Power Source AC 100V/120V/220V/240V ±10%, 50/60Hz

Accessories Power cord x 1,
Instruction manual x 1

Dimensions & Weight 214(W) x 89(H) x 370(D) mm, Approx. 4.8kg

Order by Phone or Online

We find that many customers would prefer to call us for help in selecting the best products to suit their needs. Please feel free to contact us by phone or email or use our easy Online Order Form.

Toll Free:1-800-488-2032
from Canada, US and Territories

Product Profile

Product ID: BF-30
Description: BF-30: Computer Controlled Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Notes:This device has not been approved for use on humans in U.S.A or Canada and is therfore to be used only for experimental, hobby or sacramental purposes.

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