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Prostate Shrinker for Non-invasive Treatment

of Prostate Enlargement

Far Infrared (FIR) Hyperthermia Treatment for Prostate Enlargement.  Prostatherm is a procedure where the temperature inside the prostate is raised to 55° Celsius (130° Fahrenheit) using a focused ultrasonic, infrasonic and electro-magnetic beam from an applicator upon which the user sits. 

Unlike microwave, cryotherapy, radiation, Brachytherapy, Ablatherm or HIFU treatments which are relatively invasive, painful and require anaesthetic, Prostatherm slowly raises the temperature, which shrinks and ultimately destroys targeted cells.

Prostate Shrinker Control Box and Prostate Shrinker Emitter

The treatment is done through clothing, non-invasively at home daily. In this way the total therapeutic energy over many weeks exceeds that of any other treatment modality. 

  • Non-invasive:  no probes, catheters or needles to be inserted. FIR energy passes through clothing while the user sits on the applicator.
  • Convenient: Small treatment unit is comfortable to sit on for many hours.
  • Portable: Self-treatment while sitting at work or driving.  Powered by 12 volt adapter or automobile lighter outlet.
  • Safe: No electrical connection to the human body. No diathermy, lasers, microwaves or radio waves.
  • 3 Simultaneous Energy Forms: Emits a wide range of Far infra-red energy (FIR) from 980 nanometers down to several microns in wavelength.  Mechanical vibration aids in lymphatic drainage. Ultrasonic electro-magnetic field adds to the efficacy.

History of FIR: In the last forty years, scientific evidence has found that deep heat can enhance and synergise with the beneficial effects of other healing therapies. Scientists have looked at different thermal treatment ways such as microwaves, ultrasound, diathermy, to develop more effective forms that target specific areas and enable deep heat penetration. Far Infrared Hyperthermia Treatment has become an effective, safe, natural, hygienic, and efficient approach to the treatment of many organs, skin, muscles, tendons and joints in the body. Today there are multiple health and medical professionals internationally who use heat therapy to rehabilitate and treat a multitude of physical problems by. Relief of sports injuries and cancer and tumour reduction via thermal therapy are just a few examples.

Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, similar to microwaves, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body's surface temperature and activate major bodily functions:

  1. Far Infrared expands capillaries which stimulates increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation.

  2. Far Infrared is excellent for detox. Scientists in Japan report that in the FIR treatment of clogged capillary vessels, heat expands the capillaries and then initiates the start of a process to dissolve hidden toxins. Far Infrared thereby promotes elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood: Poisons, carcinogenic heavy metals - toxic substances from food processing - lactic acid, free fatty acids, and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue - excess sodium associated with hypertension - and uric acid which causes pain. Furthermore, if sebaceous glands are activated, accumulated cosmetics in pores can be eliminated through the skin (sweat and oil glands) rather than by the kidneys.

  3. Far Infrared stimulates enzyme activity and metabolism. FIR heat also breaks down cellulite, trapped water, fat and waste.

  4. Far Infrared promotes the killing of many pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

  5. Far Infrared promotes rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury). Furthermore, it increases growth of cells, DNA syntheses, and protein synthesis all necessary during tissue repair and regeneration. Excellent for healing burns, scar tissue and skin problems.

  6. Far Infrared relieves nervous tension and relax autonomic muscles thereby helping the body make the most of its intended healing abilities.

  7. FIR reduces soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms, as muscle fibers are heated.

  8. Far Infrared strengthens the Immune System by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus.

  9. Far Infrared strengthens the Cardiovascular System by causing heart rate and cardiac output increase, and diastolic blood pressure decrease Extensive research by NASA in the early 1980's led to the conclusion that far infrared stimulation of cardiovascular function would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flight.


Anatomy:  The prostate gland sits just below the bladder and in front of the rectum, partially surrounding the urethra which carries urine from the bladder out of the body. Forming part of the male reproductive system, the prostate is responsible for the production of a clear liquid which makes up about one third of the seminal fluid used to carry and protect the male sperm during intercourse.


Prostate Development:

Throughout early childhood the prostate gland is very small (about the size of a pea) but grows rapidly during puberty in response to the production of the male hormone testosterone.  In adults the prostate is about the size of a walnut and weighs around one ounce.


Prostate Problems:

There are a number of problems associated with the prostate gland and the most common of these is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This condition, which is a growth of non-cancerous cells within the transition section of the prostate, causes an enlargement of the gland and exerts pressure on the urethra which, in turn, leads to difficulties in urinating.

Another common problem is prostatitis, which is an inflammation or infection of the prostate gland.


About half of all men will suffer enlargement of the prostate by the time they reach the age of 60 and, by the age of 80, about ninety percent of the male population will experience an enlarged prostate.


Prostate cancer will also affect a significant percentage of the male population. In 2006 some 237,000 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer and there were some 27,000 deaths from the disease in the United States alone.


The prostate is situated between the bladder and the rectum and partially surrounds the urethra – the tube which carries urine from the bladder. As the prostate gland grows, the tissue surrounding it restricts its expansion and causes the prostate to close around the urethra, thereby restricting the flow through the urethra. The bladder wall thickens at the same time and the bladder starts contracting even when it contains quite small quantities of urine. Finally, the bladder becomes weak, loses its ability to contract and thus to empty itself, so that urine remains trapped in the bladder.

The precise symptoms experienced as a result of an enlarged prostate (hypertrophy) will vary from one person to the next but, normally, the first signs will be a difficulty in urinating or a change in the pattern of urination.

For example, you may find that you begin to experience a weak flow of urine or that the flow appears hesitant, tending to stop and start. You may also find that calls to the bathroom become urgent as well as more frequent, especially during the night. You may also notice a tendency to leak or dribble urine.


Prostate Treatments:



Heat and Far Infra Red (FIR) therapy such as from our Prostate Shrinker could improve existing benign hypertrophy and cancer treatments.

By simply raising a tumor's temperature a few degrees, scientists are boosting the power of radiation, chemotherapy, and cancer vaccines. Armed with a better understanding of how heat amplifies those treatments' effects and with new tools to heat tumors, researchers may someday give every cancer patient the bright prognosis.  Johns Hopkins scientists believe, the temperature boost may weaken protein scaffolding within the cancer cell's nucleus, making the nuclear DNA more vulnerable to chemotherapy and radiation.  "Heat is at the center of many cellular changes," according to Donald Coffey, Ph.D., who is the Catherine Iola & J. Smith Michael Distinguished Professor of Urology, Oncology, Pathology, and Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences at Johns Hopkins. "It drives everything from reproduction to fighting infection, and now we'd like to harness its power to fight cancer." Scientists in the past have observed that fevers accompanying infections sometimes improved the outcome for some cancer patients, but until now, Coffey said, "scientists haven't connected precisely how heat affects the scaffolding and might be one of the reasons heat treatment can cure tumors such as Lance Armstrong's."

Support for the theory came from an unrelated study by researchers at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School of men with undescended testes, a fairly common birth defect in which the genitals remain stuck in the pelvis after birth instead of descending into the scrotum.  Without treatment, infertility is common and further examination of the men's sperm showed that the sperm cells' nuclear protein scaffolding, known technically as the nuclear matrix, was also wrecked. The nuclear matrix, found in the nucleus of all cells, was first discovered in the early 1980s by a team of Johns Hopkins scientists led by Coffey, and shown to be heat-sensitive by researchers at the Washington University in St. Louis.

"The warmer region of the pelvis made the nuclear matrix in the cells that make sperm unstable and prone to death," says Theodore DeWeese, M.D., professor and director of the Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences, "and cancer cells already have unstable nuclear matrices."  He and his colleagues say it is logical to think that "if we give a cancer cell more heat to completely disrupt its matrix, and then add toxic drugs and radiation, the cancer cell may be so disabled that it won't be able to replicate and will die."

Heat therapy is already used in a handful of cancer centers around the country, and has been applied for thousands of years as an ancient cure-all for ailments ranging from back pain to arthritis. Although people flock to hot baths and springs to immerse their entire body, the Hopkins trio believes that selectively heating cancer cells may not only be more effective, but also prevent matrix damage in normal tissues.

"Once we've devised the best way to deliver heat to cancer cells, we will test the technique in animal models to help define the right temperature and doses of chemo and radiation therapy," says DeWeese.  Athttp://www.hopkinskimmelcancercenter.org/news/index.cfm?documentid=801&newstype=news releases&action=showthisitem


Microwaves:  Transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT) is done at the Mayo Clinic.  TUMT uses microwave heat to shrink excess prostate tissue. Doctors insert a small microwave antenna attached to a flexible tube (catheter) through the penis into the part of the urethra surrounded by the prostate gland. The antenna emits a dose of microwave energy that heats overgrown prostate cells and destroys them without damaging nearby normal tissue. Water circulates around the tip and sides of the antenna during the procedure to protect the urethra from heat. A balloon with a heat sensor is inserted into the rectum to monitor temperature. At  http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/transurethral-microwave-therapy/BP00012


Prostate massage has long been used as a means of maintaining prostate health and to promote increased sexual health.

Prostate milking can be extremely helpful as a form of preventative medicine and relieve the build-up of seminal fluid in the prostate gland.  The prostate gland is divided into the three sections known as the peripheral, central and transition sections.  The peripheral section is situated to the rear of the prostate and is the section in which prostatitis and prostate cancer are most likely to develop. The transition section, which lies in the middle of the prostate gland and surrounds the urethra, is the area in which benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is seen.


Botox: HOUSTON -- (November 30, 2007) -- Botox® injections may reduce benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate, said a Baylor College of Medicine report.


Laser Surgery:  Selective Light Vaporization (SLV) is the process of eliminating unwanted soft tissue using a specialized laser system and fiber optic probe. Selective Light Vaporization of soft tissue is less invasive than traditional surgery resulting in less pain, discomfort and quicker recovery times. Selective Light Vaporization of soft tissue with Urological 980nm Laser System is a minimally invasive procedure, and one of the most advanced surgical options available.


Chemotherapy: The only chemo-therapy available to treat prostate cancer right now is hormone injections that stop testosterone production.


Radioactive Therapy:  This uses radio-active isotopes which damage tissues preferentially


Ultrasound: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, or HIFU, is a therapy that destroys tissue with rapid heat elevation, which essentially "cooks" the tissue. Ultrasound energy, or sound waves, is focused at a specific location and at that "focal point" the temperature raises to 90 degrees Celsius in a matter of seconds.


Electro-magnetic:  In Russia, a few models of Electro Magnetic Heat Therapy devices are popular, and widely used by doctors for Urology and Gynecology treatments. These Two Modalities (Heating and Magnetic Therapy) maximize the treatment benefit of each form of energy. Special anal Magnetic Probe is inserted into Anus and reaches the Prostate Gland. The emitting of Pulsating Magnetism and Heating (43C.- 47C.) from the probe gives effect such as "Thermo Massage" and kills the abnormal cells in the Prostate Gland.

This heated probe (called an anal probe) has the shape of an elongated suppository which is inserted into the anal canal where the combined Heating and Magnetic Therapy provides direct warmth to internal hemorrhoids.


References and Links on Prostate gland enlargement (often incorrectly called Prostrate):

  1. Hyperthermia treatments at http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20061014/bob10.asp

  2. Prostate treatments Comprehensive study Special to CNN.com at  http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/DS/00027.html

  3. FDA APPROVES NEW DEVICE TO TREAT ENLARGED PROSTATE.  Microwaves to heat and destroy excess prostate tissue athttp://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/NEW00534.html

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Product ID: BF-ProShr
Description: Prostate Shrinker

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